“A Virtual Museum as a Tool for Creative Advocacy for Social Inclusion “
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, social isolation has been experienced globally and in this period, the most affected groups are young people with disadvantages who have been exposed to social exclusion.
European Union Erasmus + program is implementing a project called “A Virtual Museum as a Tool for Creative Advocacy for Social Inclusion” with partnership of Innovative Thinking Lab (Turkey), Hashtag Gruppo Giovani (Italy) and Neomenioi Informal Youth Group(Greece).
The aim of the project is to create a platform where young people who are socially excluded or feeling this way in Europe and our country during the pandemic can express their experiences and feelings through art. Thus, it aims to encourage young people to connect and interract with their art and creativity.
During the project, art pieces will be carried out in two different groups between the ages of 13-18 and 18-25. Art teachers will contribute as mentors of young people.
Project will last 15 months and art pieces which created by disadvantaged young people will be shown in Virtual Museum and there will be a competition which based on a voting system and winners will get their prizes.
All young people who are participating in the activities will be entitled to receive Youthpass certificate.
For detailed information about our project, you can take a look at our presentations: